Tuesday, January 29

Valentine Book Reports

Stop by The Teaching Oasis and download these Valentine Themed Genre Book Reports!

Sunday, January 27

Graphic Organizers

I found a set of graphic organizers I had tweaked, tweaked them some more and decided to post them on my blog. They'll eventually be on The Teaching Oasis. They're centered around the 8 reading strategies I'm required to teach by my school district.

Do you think you will use these to have students respond to their reading?

Saturday, January 26

Odds and Ends

A couple of weeks ago my laptop died right after I had finished uploading the free materials to The Teaching Oasis. I was worried that I had lost all my files... and no, I hadn't backed them up so I was super nervous. I mean I had most of them on my school laptop but personal documents and pictures were only located on my personal computer. My gracious sister offered to buy me a new laptop (she had a Dell line of credit) so I accepted the offer. After almost paying Geek Squad to tell me if my files could be recovered I did some searching on the net. And low and behold... I found out that I could get a screwdriver and take my hard drive out of my dead laptop. Go to Best Buy and spend $30 on a case to make it an external hard drive. After my new laptop arrived, I hooked up my old hard drive and ALL my files were there. Fonts, Desktop, My Documents, Pictures... everything! I was so happy!

So it snowed here in central Virginia yesterday and the roads are clear but I have no good reason to be out there in that slush so I'm spending a quiet day at home playing with my new laptop. I even created something today, a Peer Writing Checklist.

I took a snapshot of the document with Microsoft Word and loaded on Google Docs (I've never used that before) to see if this will work. Let me know what you think and if you think you can use this in your Writing Workshop.


Then I created a Conversation Heart Math Activity for my students.
Would love feedback... do you think you'd use the Writing Checklist in your classroom?

Sunday, January 13

The Teaching Oasis

There has been some MAJOR changes to The Teaching Oasis... all resources are now FREE! This site will be strictly run on donations from supporters like you. So if you find something useful, please consider making a donation to help keep the website live. *Subject areas have been uploaded, monthly ideas will be complete in the next 48 hours.*

So stop by and download some items today!

Sunday, January 6

Happy New Year: 2013

Quote from last year's blog post: "I've learned in church that we should have "SMART" goals....Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Looking back at my goals from last year, I see I didn't accomplish not one... but I enter into this year with a renewed strength and passion that 2012 may be the year I accomplish the goal I set for myself as a young child... to become a wife!"

Wow... looks like I accomplished my goal!

Well God has blessed me to see another year and I do not take that lightly... we all know of someone who didn't live to see 2013 and I'm reminded daily to live a "purpose driven life."

Tomorrow starts my churches annual 21 Day Daniel Fast. Basically you give up meats, sweets and treats. I'm looking forward to having a more intimate relationship with God and putting my full trust in him and his plan for my life. If you would like more infomation about the fast click here http://www.faithandfamilychurch.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=245386, there's even a fast workbook you can download.
I've thought long and hard about my resolutions for a new year...
1. Financial- Now that I'm married and Javaid and I have merged two lifestyles into one, I can make sure that we both are tithing faithfully, tracking our spending, and saving for our future.

2. Spiritual- Spend at least an hour a day with God-whether I'm praying or reading my bible or just listening for God to speak to me.

3. Physical- I sit here at 205lbs. Wow... I never thought I'd see 200 pounds but here it is. After the 21 day fast I'm looking to go back on Weight Watchers. Three years ago I lost 30 pounds, but then I lost my father and I soon learned that I was an emotional eater and at my feelings. My doctor told me to start with 10%... so if I can start off with 20 pounds and go from there, that'd be great.

4. Mental- read more!

5. Social- maintain the relationships with friends and family now that I'm married.

1. Survive! (this was my resolution last year, I think I'll keep it!)

2. Try by best not to get stressed out.

3. Do the best I can do... I didn't birth these children and I can't take them home, but I can do the best that I know how!

4. Encourage my coworkers... whether it's a card, treat or small token of appreciation, I want to show them that they are appreciated.

5. Listen to my body! Many days I find myself at school when I'm sick and sometimes just plain worn out. I will take days off when I am not at my best and I will not feel guilty about it!

What are your resolutions?