Saturday, September 15

Parent Handbook

We've been in school for 2 whole weeks! I'm exhausted but loving this group of children:) So this week is our Back to School Night for grades 3-5. I usually do my ABC's of Third Grade but this year I wanted to do something a little different. While on Pinterest browsing I came across this "pin" and thought it would be cute if I made these as well.

Here's the rough draft...
Basically cut and pasted onto blank sheets so I could try
to line everything up right.
Welcome information
Information on how best to contact me and what
the student binders are used for.
Our Daily Schedule
Classroom Management Policy
General Info: Grade Scale, Homework Policy, Classroom Celebrations
I copied them in our school colors, blue and yellow. As you
can see the Communication and Binders tab got cut off.
I'll fix that next year ;)
What do you do for back to school night?