This is another idea taken from a 4th grade teacher at my previous school and I love it! It's called a "Reading Marathon" and the students love it!
Materials: (for each child)
-white paper, folded into 6 sections- plain printer paper or white construction paper will do
-leveled text
-crayons, colored pencils, pencil
Time: about 90 minutes
Pass out a book(should be the child's independent level) and a sheet of folded paper to each child. Students may use books that they are currently reading. Explain that they will be participating in a Reading Marathon. Students should complete each section in the time alloted.
10 minutes: Section 1- Make a new cover for you book. Color the cover, be sure to include the title and author.
10 minutes: students reading silently.
10 minutes: Section 2- Write three important details about your favorite character. Draw and color a picture of the character.
10 minutes: students reading silently
10 minutes: Section 3- Write a quick summary of the book part you just read.
10 minutes: Section 4- Draw a visualization from the book. Write a sentence explaining your visualization.
10 minutes: students reading silently
10 minutes: Section 5- Write 3 questions you've had about the book so far.
10 minutes: Section 6- Draw a picture and write a sentence about your book's setting.
I've done this a couple of times and I've been impressed with the results. I will try and figure out a "nonfiction reading marathon."