Sunday, July 29

Deja Vu

So I have exactly 29 days until teachers report back to school, 6 more sessions until I'm through with this night class, and 3 days of professional development. Usually I get excited this time of year, I'm usually well rested and overflowing with ideas and creativity.

But this summer is a little different, I think it has something to do with the fact that they are currently building a new third grade wing in my school. At the end of the year, I had to pack up my entire classroom with the expectation that when teachers reported back to school, I'd be unpacking all my belongings and decorating a brand new classroom.

Well we haven't heard officially but I think I could bet money that the construction will not be complete and I will remain in my previous classroom (I'm blessed to have this option as one teacher was in a trailer and they took her trailer away, so I have no idea where she is suppose to teach).

So you're probably thinking, big deal, just teach in your old classroom. Well I guess you can say I didn't pack the way I should have. Which means, all my beginning of the year resources are in various boxes (math, reading, social studies) and all my teaching books are in boxes with no rhyme or reason, as well as my classroom library, all in boxes. I don't even know how to wrap my brain around  unpacking. I wouldn't even know where to begin. So this is causing my anxiety level to rise.I'm stressed and the school year hasn't even started yet. I just have this feeling that I'm going to have to unpack my entire room and then pack it back up when our new classrooms are finished.

Flash back 5 years ago when I was surplused to a new school that was currently being built, it wasn't ready and we were housed at a temporary location. K-2 at one place, 3-5 down the street at another place. We didn't get electricity in our trailers until Wednesday of teacher work week. Then they promised we would move in the first weekend in November. So we began packing up the trailers...but about 2 weeks out, they told us the school wasn't ready and that we'd be staying put. So finally, the last weekend in January we move into our new school. Visualize with me... we worked M-F, then we moved all our belongings and set up new classrooms Saturday and Sunday, then worked another M-F. That was 12 days of working in a row!

So I guess I'm a little scared that this will turn into the same situation, them missing deadline after deadline then having to work around the clock when it finally is finished. So I'm going to make a to do list of things I should be working on, lesson plans, classroom posters, finish filing papers from last year and try to enjoy my 29 days left of summer.

On another note, there are 125 days until I become Mrs. Saunders!