Friday, August 5

It's Friday!

Well I've managed to work in my room two days this week. Yesterday I went in with reinforcement and the bulk of the remaining boxes in my dining room and low and behold... we didn't have electricity in our pod. So I worked in the dark for a couple of hours and then left. I did manage to get some storage units put together and my curtains hung, I can't wait until it's finished so I can take pictures and post them.

Last night I was working a some small items to show my appreciation for my Facebook Fans. I made 7 sets of writing stationary. Here is the link to the Aloha Stationery. If you like it, join The Teaching Oasis fan page (click the FB icon to the right) and you will find the link to all the others.

Well I am hoping to have a productive day on the computer and cleaning up the place since alot of the boxes have now been removed. I can't believe I only have 3 more weeks of summer until teachers report back to school.