Thursday, December 29

Happy New Year

 I saw this linky party over at "A Teacher's Treasure, I decided to join!  It is my first attempt at joining a linky party, so here it goes:
I've learned in church that we should have "SMART" goals....Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Looking back at my goals from last year, I see I didn't accomplish not one... but I enter into this year with a renewed strength and passion that 2012 may be the year I accomplish the goal I set for myself as a young child... to become a wife! With that being said, here are my resolutions...

1. Financial- I need to start saving for my wedding! No I'm not engaged, but my boyfriend and I have discussed being married by the end of 2012 so that gives me less than a year to get it together!

2. Spiritual- Spend at least an hour a day with God-whether I'm praying or reading my bible or just listening for God to speak to me.

3. Physical- I have to eat healthier and in turn, that should cause some weight loss, I've always been happy at a size 16 but I've also suffered from Hypertention for the last 9 years and that's not a good look!

4. Mental- read more! I received a Nook for Christmas and I'm already knee deep in reading new books!

5. Social- introduce myself to more members of my church (we have over 1,000) and continue to fellowship with the friends I've made.

1. Survive! I transferred to a new school and I'm teaching a new
grade level, I'm in survival mode!

2. Stay out of the teacher's lounge!

3. Not stress out about state testing... this is my first year in a testing grade!

4. Do the best I can do... I didn't birth these children and I can't take them home, but I can do the best that I know how!

5. Create more of my own materials for 3rd grade, just like I did in 2nd grade.

What are your resolutions?

Wednesday, December 28

Reading Marathon

This is another idea taken from a 4th grade teacher at my previous school and I love it! It's called a "Reading Marathon" and the students love it!

Materials: (for each child)
-white paper, folded into 6 sections- plain printer paper or white construction paper will do
-leveled text
-crayons, colored pencils, pencil

Time: about 90 minutes

Pass out a book(should be the child's independent level) and a sheet of folded paper to each child. Students may use books that they are currently reading. Explain that they will be participating in a Reading Marathon. Students should  complete each section in the time alloted.

10 minutes: Section 1- Make a new cover for you book. Color the cover, be sure to include the title and author.

10 minutes: students reading silently.

10 minutes: Section 2- Write three important details about your favorite character. Draw and color a picture of the character.

10 minutes: students reading silently

10 minutes: Section 3- Write a quick summary of the book part you just read.

10 minutes: Section 4- Draw a visualization from the book. Write a sentence explaining your visualization.

10 minutes: students reading silently

10 minutes: Section 5- Write 3 questions you've had about the book so far.

10 minutes: Section 6- Draw a picture and write a sentence about your book's setting.

I've done this a couple of times and I've been impressed with the results. I will try and figure out a "nonfiction reading marathon."

Tuesday, December 27

Classroom Tour

Reading Strategies and Skills Posters- Hollywood Themed

Front of the room (student book boxes)

Birthday Poster and Bucket Filler reminders

Writing Materials

Reading Mini Lesson Area

F.A.C.E.S. of a Reader Strategy Board

Classroom Library

Pop Into a Good Book!

More books...

Books, bulletin boards and workstation storage.

Guided Reading and Strategy Group Materials

Wednesday, December 14

Christmas Ornaments

Have you ever made these acrylic paint glass ornaments? They are truly adorable!
1 glass ball per child
assortment of acrylic paint (Plaid from Walmart)
assortment of matching ribbon
ornament hooks

Tilt ball and pour paint into top allowing it to run to the bottom of the ball.
I have the students choose two colors and then I always add white.
So for the ornament pictured I poured in pink, white, purple, pink, white, purple, white.
Then the student covers up the opening with a paper towel and shakes it until it is completely covered in the inside. 
I turn it upside down in the tray (writing their class # next to it).
I let it drain and dry for 2-3 days.
Affix topper, tie on coordinating ribbon, wrap in tissue paper and send home!

I hope you understood all that!

Monday, December 5

Winter Poems

The wonderful teachers on the Second Grade Teachers Club make up these fluency packets for just about every holiday/season and some academic concepts. Well I have a group of students whose reading goal is fluency with a focus on expression and I I thought it would be wonderful for them to read and recite these poems to practice reading with expression. These poems come from a variety of different places. What types of activities do you do with your students to practice reading with expression?

Winter Poems

Saturday, December 3

Five Days of Christmas!

Are you a fan of the Teaching Oasis on Facebook? If not click the link to the right! Starting Monday December 5th we will be giving away goodies everyday... stay tuned!

Thursday, December 1

Sunshine Award

Thanks to Doris at Third Grade Thinkers( for this award. Since moving to 3rd Grade I check out her blog all the time since she's a 3rd teacher in Virginia and she teaches the exact same curriculum I do.

So I"m supposed to answer the following questions.

Favorite and pink
Favorite animal....puppies
Favorite number...7
Favorite drink... Pepsi
Facebook or Twitter....FB
Passion: Jesus Christ, I love to let my light "shine"! My friends and family and of course teaching.
Favorite Day: Saturdays... I get a break from the kiddies, I get to attend Corporate Prayer at my church and I get to spend time with friends and family.
Time to pass on the sunshine...

Sandy at Check out her Reading Workshop ideas, I absolutely love her Fiction and Nonfiction Walk and Talks!

Christina at Everything she makes is AWESOME! I want to be like her when I grow up.

Sunday, November 27

Word Problems

Well tomorrow is my first day back to school since my surgery. I'm hoping to make it through the day...
Anyway, as I was sitting here doing lesson plans for the upcoming week, I realized I am teaching additon and subtraction word problems this week. After searching "math key words" on Pinterest I created this document from all the ideas that I saw.
Word Problems

How do you teach your students to solve word problems? Leave a comment below!

Saturday, November 19


Thank you for all the emails! I am recovering with my family. This surgery was successful, the tumor has been removed. I think we're still waiting for the pathology to come back on it though. Nothing like five incisions in your stomach for you to realize that you use your stomach muscles for everything, I coughed the other day and thought I had burst wide open! They told me my recovery would be 3-5 days but I'm finding that it's taking much longer than that. I think it has to do with the amount of weight I carry around my midsection and how deep they had to actually cut.

Oh and have you  become a fan of the Teaching Oasis FB Fan Page? Well there is a link to some Thanksgiving goodies I think you'll enjoy!!/pages/The-Teaching-Oasis-LLC/140757939283256

Have a wonderful Autumn weekend!

Monday, November 14

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Congratulations to Rochell Akin from Georgia, your autographed book is already in the mail! I'm sure your students will love it!

On another note, tomorrow's the big day. I'm finally having surgery to remove the teratoma on my ovary. I treated myself to a spa pedicure this morning and now I'm home preparing to drink this bowel cleanse mixture. And in the midst of all that I will be busy cleaning and packing for my recovery away from home and with my family. I won't return to work until after Thanksgiving and I'm trying my hardest not to worry about my students.

Monday, November 7

Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun

I LOVE this book! I read this book during the first three weeks of school while I was using childrens books to build character. Best of all, the author, Maria Dismondy , has an activity packet full of ideas to go along with this book
It's about having the courage to be who you are, and children nowadays need all the encouragment they need in this area. It would also be the perfect Christmas gift for the child in your life how has or needs the confidence to be themselves!

Now for the awesome giveaway... I'm giving away a SIGNED COPY(from the author) of this book. All you have to do is follow my blog, and leave a comment including your email address, telling me how you would use it in your classroom. I will be choosing a winner on Saturday.

Tuesday, November 1

Remarkable Reindeer

So I'm thinking ahead to the shared reading units I want to teach in December. I want to do a unit on Reindeer. I have a class set of the Science Vocabulary Reader from Scholastic, Remarkable Reindeer. I also think I'm going to read the fiction book Wild Christmas Reindeer by Jan Brett. I have a trifold I made for the book here. But since I'm in third grade I thought I should step it up a knotch and came up with this activity packet.

Remarkable Reindeer

Sunday, October 30

Hour of the Olympics

So now that I'm in 3rd grade, I'm no longer teaching Ancient Egypt and China. I get to teach Ancienct Greece and Rome! To go along with my Ancient Greece Unit I purchased a class set of Magic Tree House Hour of the Olympics. I then found this INCREDIBLE SITE that had vocabulary and questions to go with the unit. I simply copied and pasted them into a word document and created a literature packet. I think I will do this unit during shared reading. They'll have to read two chapters a day and complete the sheet that goes with it. Then I can use it as a reading and social studies grade:)

Hour of the Olympics

Wednesday, October 19

Parent Teacher Conferences

After scouring the web looking for the perfect sheet to share pertinent data with my parents... I came up with this.
Learning Profile
What forms do you use at parent teacher conferences?

Tuesday, October 18

Rounding Task Cards

I've started my Place Value unit and one of the standards requires the students to round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. I created some task cards to use with the unit.

How do you teach rounding? Share a lesson!

Rounding Task Cards

Monday, October 10

Fall/Halloween Treat Bags

So I've gathered all my materials for my treat bags for Halloween.
-Candy Corn Hand Sanitizer from Bath and Body Works
-Free Jr. Frosty Coupon from Wendys
-Monster Stickers from Carson Dellosa
-Boo Mallows from Kraft Foods
-Halloween Rice Krispy Treats and Fruit Roll Ups
-Candy Assortment

I made the cute pumpkin card with my Mini Monsters Cricut Cartridge and I stamped the inside to say Trick or Treat.

Friday, October 7


Teratoma... something I saw on the Discovery Health Channel once... something that is now living in my body! About two weeks ago I had been having some abdominal pain. I thought of many things that it could be... ovulation pain(do you get that? I know I do!), maybe a bladder infection(never had one), possibly even really bad gas...LOL. I went to my doctor who ran my urine and blood, all they told me was that I was still anemic, which was odd because I take two iron pills a day. After poking around in my stomach, the doctor suggested that I might have an ovarian cyst and sent me to the local ER.

Get to the ER, they run the same tests all over again and don't find anything. So they prep me for a CT scan. An hour later the doctor comes in and tells me I have a 4 inch Teratoma on my right ovary and I've had it for months! It's also one of the reasons why I still slightly anemic, I guess it's absorbing some of my blood... yikes!

They refered me to the Center for Gynecologic Oncology and I have an appointment this Monday. So I am definitely standing in the need of some prayer... I know my God is a healer! But I must admit that this is all very scary for me, I've never had any major health complications other than Hypertension and I've never had surgery before.

I'm at a new school and a new grade level and if you're anything like me, you hate missing days of school! I emailed the parents of my students and they have all been very supportive, one even offered to run errands for me and cook for me so that I can have a speedy recovery (cried when I read that one).

So that's where I've been... adjusting to my 3rd graders(who I love), bonding with my teammates (who are super and keep me laughing) and carrying around a tumor that is named Sha'Qwan Tyrone Watkins (my teammates name him)!

Sunday, October 2

Teaching Map Skills

So I made these posters to post in my room to go along with my map skills unit.
Parts of a Map Posters
I also used the Community Map bulletin board set from Creative Teaching Press. I don't see it on the site but I did see the upper grades one which I will probably get for next year.

I also look forward to using the Lakeshore World Molding Kit this year. I attached a picture of the completed project from years ago.

Tuesday, September 27

Nonfiction File Folder Project

So this is NOT my original idea! I got this from a 4th grade teacher are my last school. After I review nonfiction text features with my third graders they will each get a file folder (I have already premade 25 file folders and divided them into 8 sections) a sheet of directions and a nonfiction book. I love the Scholastic Vocabulary Readers! I have them for all the topics and they are perfect for my lower readers. After modeling the project the students will be left alone to complete it. Here's a sample of a completed folder.

Here are the directions along with a rubric. Do you think you'll use this project with your students? I'd love to hear your feedback!
Apparently the project has been archived on Scribd, I have uploaded it on GoogleDocs as I cannot keep up with the requests to email the document.

Monday, September 26

Teaching Nonfiction Text Features

So this week I'm teaching my third graders about nonfiction text features. Beth Newinghams blog has been very helpful ( she has a set of nonfiction text feature posters that are awesome and free!

I'm also using a flip chart from Scholastic to introduce each feature.

At the end of the week my students will begin a Nonfiction Text Feature project that I can't wait to share with you guys.

How do you go about teaching nonfiction to your students?

Tuesday, September 20

Dr. Seuss Poster Winners

Well the giveway is over... check your email, you might be a winner!

Saturday, September 17


So I've reached more than 300 followers and it's time for another giveaway! This time I'm giving away Dr. Seuss themed Reading Strategy Skills and Posters (I've blogged about these posters before
So if you would like to win these posters for your classroom, follow my blog and leave a comment with your email address and I will pick a winner on Tuesday, September 20th.

Tuesday, September 13

Revisting Positive Postcards

So I blogged about this back in July ( Now that school has been in session six days, I think I'm ready to get started. So at first I was going to send home three per month until I had gotten to all students. Well I've since decided to mail eight a week for the next three weeks. Then mail 4 a month starting in November. That means that each child would recieve two postcards this year. So I just finished writing my eight postcards to my new third graders. Can't wait to see the reaction I get.

Saturday, September 10

Survived the 1st Week!

It has been an exhausting first week of school but I'm loving every minute of it! I love my new school, my new teammates and my new third graders! One thing I've learned this week is that a good teacher is a good teacher regardless the school or grade! But I must say that my biggest fear is that I won't teach math effectively. So I've really been following my school systems curriculum framework for math. The first 3 weeks of school is spent reviewing addition and subtraction strategies and properties of addtion. So I used the posters they created(I had to make them cuter) and began teaching. I shared them below, please share your favorite method for reviewing addtion and subtraction facts!

Addition Strategy Posters

Subtraction Strategy Posters

Addition Properties

Sunday, September 4

Meet and Greet

So it's been a week since Irene hit Richmond and there are still people without electricity. We had an abbreviated teacher work week, we had to cram 5 days worth of meetings, professional development and classroom pret into 3 days. I will be going in on Labor Day to do lesson plans. I met 16 of my 26 third graders on Friday and this is what I had waiting for them.

Magic Confetti
I got this idea from Ms. Fiorini of Second Grade Locker Room . I have several versions on my classroom website.
This year I decided to make a card for the confetti. I used my Cricut Expressions Create a Critter cartridge to cut out a bookworm and apple. I used My Pink Stamper School Days  'Welcome Back' Stamp, blank cards, poems, small craft ziploc bags and hollywood confetti to match my theme, bought it from Oriental Trading.

 Thanks for Poppin in!
Pretty self explanatory. I created a 2x4 label with Thistlegirl Movie graphics and I stuck it to a bag of popcorn.

Sunday, August 28

Nobody Greater than God!

This was the scene outside my apartment today. After loading up the car and turning it on, Nobody Greater by Vashawn Mitchell was playing on the radio and all I could do was thank God that I weathered the storm! God is truly amazing and I'm thankful that Irene didn't cause more destruction.

I lost power about 4pm on Saturday but the worst of it still hadn't come through Central VA yet. At around 3 am 80% of residents were without power in the Richmond area. That number is steadily declining. But we will be cleaning up for weeks. Teachers in the area are suppose to report back to work tomorrow, I have yet to hear any information on that though.

I packed up my car and headed north on 95 until I reached my sister's house in Caroline County, it doesn't even look like a storm has been through here. I had to leave my apartment... didn't know if I could actually survive on Peanut Butter & Jelly and Chips and Salsa like I had planned. So I'm currently comfortable in the guest room with my laptop, air conditioning and cable. I don't have cell phone service though, but that's the least of my worries!

Friday, August 26

Earthquakes and Hurricanes!

So teacher work week begins Monday and I'm convinced that some teacher who is not ready to return to work has wished these natural disasters upon us...LOL. I'm located in Central Virginia and we were rocked by an earthquake on Tuesday and Hurricane Irene is scheduled to hit on Saturday. I've got my gas, nonperishable snacks and flashlights...I'm ready! While I wait for all the action to go down I will be busy creating back to school goodies for my new third graders. I will be blogging about them in the next couple of days... granted I still have internet access and electricity. I also can't wait to finish up my classroom so I can take and post pictures of my new space!

Tuesday, August 16

Mireya's Miracle

I am a member of Faith and Family Church and very active in the youth ministry. A couple of months ago we learned that one of "our" children had been diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia.
Mireya is four years old and her smile will absolutely melt your heart! I follow her mother's blog Three & 1 to keep up with her health updates. I have been praying and fasting for her complete healing and divine health. However I desired to do more. Then I found out that another member in our church had set up a donation page through Through this page I've had the opportunity to give and I look foward to giving more. I encourage you to go and read her donation page, Mireya's Miracle, and if you are able to, make a small donation. Every little bit helps. Thank you and God Bless!

Team Bolton's story was featured on NBC12 News Acts of Kindness .

September Books

Since my entire classroom library is sitting in my dining room waiting for me to wisk them away to school, I figured I do some more blogging about books to read. I've already blogged about books for launching reading and writing workshop, I've also blogged about mentor texts for reading skills and stratigies. Below are a list of my favorite September Books. Leave a comment with your favorite book!

Character Building
A Bad Case of the Tattle Tongue
Bully B.E.A.N.S.
My Mouth is a Volcano
Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
The Boy Who Wouldn't Share
Fill a Bucket
Have you Filled a Bucket Today?
HOw Full is your Bucket? For Kids
Do Unto Otters
Yes We Can!
The Recess Queen
Little Prickles
The Marshmallow Incident
Bullies Never Win
Jungle Bullies
Sweet Briar Goes to School
Sweet Briar Goes to Camp
Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully
Back to School
The Berestain Bears Go Back to School
Brand New Pencils, Brand New Books
Miss Malarkey Doesn't LIve in Room 10
Ready, Set, School!
A Fine, Fine School
What Teachers Can't Do
I Know an Old Teacher
Amelia Bedilia's First Day of School
My School's a Zoo
How do Dinosaurs Go to School?
Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale
Miss Nelson is Missing
Miss Nelson is Back
First Day Jitters
The Kissing Hand
A Pocketful of Kisses
A Kiss Goodbye
Marley Goes to School
Johnny Appleseed- Jane Kurtz
Johnny Appleseed- Alyse Sweeney
Johnny Appleseed- Jodie Shepherd
We All Fall for Apples- Emmi Herman
Fluffy's Goes Apple Picking- Kate McMullan
A Day at the Apple Orchard- Megan Faulkner & Adam Krawesky
How Do Apples Grow? Betsy Maestro
Apples for Everyone- Jill Esbaum
Apples- Gail Gibbons
The Apple Pie Tree- Zoe Hall
Clifford's First Autumn- Norman Bridwell
Leaves- David Ezra Stein
Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane- Victoria Sherrow
The Biggest Leaf Pile- Steve Metzger
The Falling Leaves- Steve Metzger
The Falling Leaves and the Scarecrow- Steve Metzger
Little Red's AUtumn Adventure- Sarah Ferguson
Wild Child- Lynn Plourde

Wednesday, August 10

Giveaway Winners!

Since I only had 10 comments for the trifold giveaway, I will be sending them to all the people who left their email address! You should have already recieved your email with the download links, thanks for following!

8/14 Update: Sorry followers but the giveaway is now closed and I will not be sending out anymore downloads. Feel free to purchase them from the Teaching Oasis. I do apologize for the inconvienence.

Sunday, August 7

Classroom Songs

I teacher online created some songs to help her students soar on standardized reading and math assessments. She also recorded a bully song that I really like. Check it out!           Ann Walner

Treasure's Trifold Giveaway!

So I'm in a generous mood at the moment and in honor of me being promoted to third grade :) I will be giving away the 2nd Grade Treasures Trifold Collection.

Some people have asked if I will make 3rd grade resources. Well there isn't a need to, Melissa Shaw from has tons of FREE 3rd Grade Treasures Resources! So I will be using them. If I do happen to create materials (and I probably will, I'm already thinking of making DRA practice packets for the leveled readers) they will be on my classroom website.

For a list of the stories I used for the trifolds click here. I did learn later that different states had different leveled readers.

So if you use Treasures and are a 2nd grade teacher all you have to do is 1-follow my blog 2- leave a comment with your email address. I will be choosing a winner on Wednesday night.

Friday, August 5

It's Friday!

Well I've managed to work in my room two days this week. Yesterday I went in with reinforcement and the bulk of the remaining boxes in my dining room and low and behold... we didn't have electricity in our pod. So I worked in the dark for a couple of hours and then left. I did manage to get some storage units put together and my curtains hung, I can't wait until it's finished so I can take pictures and post them.

Last night I was working a some small items to show my appreciation for my Facebook Fans. I made 7 sets of writing stationary. Here is the link to the Aloha Stationery. If you like it, join The Teaching Oasis fan page (click the FB icon to the right) and you will find the link to all the others.

Well I am hoping to have a productive day on the computer and cleaning up the place since alot of the boxes have now been removed. I can't believe I only have 3 more weeks of summer until teachers report back to school.

Tuesday, August 2

Books to Teach Reading Strategies

So I have a list of books for reading strategies listed here, but I thought I'd share the books that I actually use each year. Do you have an Ollies Bargin Outlet in your area? Well that is where I buy 70% of my books I use to teaching reading strategies with, most of the time it's not popular literature but it's great literature and the students haven't heard the story before! Leave a comment with your favorite teaching book.

The Emperor's Egg- Martin Jenkins
Deep in the Swamp- Donna Bateman
Making Connections: there are literally tons of books that can be used for making connections to self, world and text. Here are my ones for text to text connections.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs/Pickles to Pittsburgh- Judi Barrett
Too Many Frogs/What a Party- Sandy Asher
Amazing Grace/Boundless Grace/Princess Grace- Mary Hoffman
Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash/ Jimmy's Boa Bungee Jump Slam Dunk- Trinka Nobel
The Gruffalo- Julia Donaldson
Lily Brown's Paintings- Angela Johnson
The Salamander Room- Anne Mazer
Questioning: again there are literally tons of books that can be used for questioning but this is my favorite it!
Tuesday- David Weisner
The Black Snowman- Phil Mendez
The Story of Ruby Bridges- Robert Coles
Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate- Carly Sheilds
The Frog Prince Continued- Jon Scieszka
The Nutty Nut Chase- Kathryn White
Seven Blind Mice- Ed Young
My Lucky Day- Keiko Kasza
Where are you going Manyoni?- Catherine Stock
Tadpole's Promise- Jeanne Willis
When the Leaf Blew In- Steve Metzger
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain- Arnold Lobel
There Was an Old Lady Series- Lucille Colandro
Dear Mr. Blueberry- Simon James
Wolf!-Becky Bloom
Testing Miss Malarkey- Judy Finchler

Wordless Picture Books

So I've learned over the years to begin teaching a new reading strategy with a wordless picture book. I find that it works best with the following strategies...
  • making connections
  • questioning
  • predicting
  • inferring
  • synthesizing
  • summarizing(this is a key strategy using wordless picture books will enhance for your students)
Below is a list of books I use each year for various strategies.
Deep in the Forest- Brinton Turkle
10 Minutes till Bedtime- Peggy Rathman
Looking Down- Steve Jenkins
Carl's Summer Vacation- Alexendra Day
Tuesday- David Wiesner
Chicken and Cat- Sara Varon
Do You Want to Be My Friend- Eric Carle
The Snowman- Raymond Briggs
Anno's Counting Book- Mitsumasa Anno

I also found an artile here about them.

Launching Writing Workshop

I have a collection of books that I read to get students excited about writing. If you have any other good ones please share by leaving a comment!

The Plot Chickens - Mary Jane Auch
Aunt Isabel Tells a Good One - Kate Duke
Arthur Writes a Story by Marc Brown
Mr. Putter and Tabby Write the Book by Cynthia Rylant
What Do Author's Do by Eileen Christelow
The Alphabet Tree by Leo Leonni
Library Mouse- Daniel Kirk
The Best Story- Eileen Spinelli
Library Mouse: A World to Explore- Daniel Kirk
Show, Don't Tell! Secrets of Writing by Josephine Nobisso

I also have another list of writing books and ideas on my site here.

Monday, August 1

I Pick Good Fit Books

So this weekend I traveled 2 1/2 hours to IKEA only to spend $17... probably spent more in gas! Anyway, I bought this cute picture frame to go with my hollywood theme. Earlier this evening I was blog stalking and ran across this cute I PICK Good Fit Books Display from Third Grade Thinkers and I was trying to figure out how I could do this to go with my theme... and then this was born!

I will be sure to get a picture of it in my classroom when it's all finished! What do you think, leave a comment?

Giveaway Winners!

Since I exceeded my 200 followers for the moment, I am picking 5 winners through the Random Number Generator! The numbers are...
33- Heather
10- Adriana Wilsey
18- Kim Konecny
27- Shelly
12- Kelly B (Queen B)

Be on the lookout for an email with your goodies that I am going to send out tonight!

Thursday, July 28

Another Giveaway!

Since I'm at 199 followers, I'm sure I'll be at 200 in no time:) I'm giving away some content related items from The Teaching Oasis...
Writing: Informational Book
Reading: STOP Signs
Word Study: Word Explorers
Math: M&M Math
Science: Magnet Unit
Social Studies: Black History Unit

If you would like to win these items please follow my blog and leave a comment below along with your email address. I will pick a winner Monday night!

Wednesday, July 27

FACES of a Reader Strategy Cards

I was inspired  by these two blogs
to type the strategy cards this year instead of write them out. The strategies for test come from test taking strategy posters I have and from the book Test Talk.

FACES Menu Strategy Cards

FACES of a Reader Menu

I was back in my classroom today and I feel pretty confident that'll all come together, just need to get the rest of these 50 boxes out of my dining room and into my classroom! I blogged yesterday about the FACES of a reader. I finished the menu. I will be working on the strategy cards next.

FACE Menu 3rd Revised

Tuesday, July 26

FACES of a Reader

So after some discussion with the wonderful ladies of the 2nd Grade Teachers Club I added an "S"  for strategies for test taking and changed "E" back to extended vocabulary and made new posters. I am in the process of revamping my FACES Menu and adding pretyped strategy cards to go with them. I will post when I'm finished.
FACE Menu Headers 3rd Revised

Monday, July 25


So I am mentally and physically exhausted! I ended up in the ER last Sunday from dehydration, low iron and low potassium, then I had a full week of VBS and I'm still not at 100% but I hope to get there soon. I picked up some vitamin supplements from GNC (only to see them in Sam's Club for cheaper... go figure!) and hopefully with vitamins, balanced meals and much rest I'll be back to my old creative self in no time!

On another note, some of my new coworkers are meeting at school tomorrow, most of you know that I have transferred to a different school, different grade level and all my school stuff is sitting in my dining room staring at me... but I'm not trying to move all this stuff just yet! I'll just take my bulletin board stuff and maybe the baskets for my classroom library and take it easy tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 19


When I reach 200 followers (right now I have 127) I will be doing another giveway. It will be something from The Teaching Oasis of course! Now to come up with something really special this time. Spread the word!

Monday, July 18

VBS Break

Today was the first day of VBS: Pandamania at my church. As the director, I've been swamped with planning and executing of the activites. So I will be taking a break this week and hope to get back to blogging about all the various ideas I have running around in my head next week. Oh by the way... do you like my new blog template? Kristen from Ladybug Resources made it for me:)